Mastering and development
Taking care of the final stage of the fonts projects, before their publication, preparing outlines to interpolation, drawing missing glyphs, refining metrics and kerning. Also building source files that can be easily mantained and extended for future font updates. The work can either start from source files (.glyphs, .ufo, .vfb) or from old binaries (otf, ttf, etc.).
Font completion, language coverage extension and diacritics alignment. Typeface: Pramukh by Aaria Purohit and FontStore
Outlines setup for interpolation and mastering. Typeface: Clash Grotesk Display by Shiva Nallaperumall and Fontstore.
Full configuration of font sotware and font info meta data filling. Typeface: Author by Satya Rajpurohit and Fontstore
Variable fonts building trough different setups and methods. Typeface (left): Chupilca by Francico Gálvez
OpenType features
Full opentype coding to provide access to all font features both in desktop design applications and on the web. In many cases, to achieve complex features and specific behaviors it is necessary to create special variations of the glyphs. ¶ This process can be speed up trough a well structured workflow definition and small Python scripts. ¶ Regardless of font size, features and classes can be written with the help of custom scripts and processes that keep features updatable.
Typesenses Limón Script font features. It uses contextual glyph substitutions to achieve calligraphic connection no matter what language the user inputs, a missing aspect in most script typefaces. This feature works properly with 3 alternative Uppercase set and 2 lowercase swash initials and endings.
Quintana-Font Mazúrquica Interlocking feature. Instead of using ligatures, behavior is achieved from the use of automatically built single glyphs.
Quality assurance and troubleshooting
Every font project from a single style font to a big serial font family often become complex and tedious, so mistakes and flaws are almost inevitable. ¶ Identifying bugs, solving specific font software issues and checking and fixing master design consistency, Bézier drawing quality control, screen rasterization performance control, among other tasks, ensures maximum font software quality.
Masters consistency checking and outline drawing quality control. Typefaces: Perec and Amster Versal Iluminada by PampaType.
Screen rendering optimization trough manual TrueType hinting. Custom font project from Enigma.
Final font binaries consistency table checking.